My Summer Vacation

This summer vacation I wanted to check a few things of my to do list.
First of all, I wanted to set up this website (which I planned to do ages ago). Basically I created a WordPress theme with a bit of basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I also used Foundation to create a good user experience on both the desktop and mobile devices.


DimWars for the 7DRTS

The next thing on my to do list was participating in a game making challenge/competition. So, first there was the 7DRTS, which didn’t go very well. After a few days I gave up on the challenge because in order to create my game I would have to start from scratch again. So I ended up with half a prototype.

After this there was the 7DFPS, in which I didn’t participate because I had not prepared well enough. Instead I experimented with the Blender game engine in making an FPS. For this shooter I had a silly idea to create a game that was centered around a group of monkey’s that had gone crazy and would shoot each other with banana’s. I still think this would have been a fun idea for a game. Maybe for a next 7DFPS? We’ll see.

Gone Apeshit Recording

A while ago I started making a game which had the working title Beasties. It had some weird looking monsters in it. As I wanted to practise some sculpting in Blender, I created one of these monsters in 3D.

The original sketch

The original sketch

Render of the sculpt

Render of the sculpt

Altough I failed completing any of the challenges, it didn’t held me from participating in the 27th Ludum Dare. As you probably have noticed, I was pretty proud of the result. If you haven’t seen it yet, go check out my post about Catch A Train.

Besides some relaxing, that was basically my summer vacation. At the moment I’m one week into the last year of my current education doing a minor about game design and development. I’m working with a great team on really cool game. I’ll keep you posted!

Jet Engine Model

Made this model of a jet engine about three years ago.

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