Ludum Dare 27: Catch A Train

Pfew, that was tough, but fun! After 48 hours I made my first game for the 27th Ludum Dare – Catch A Train. First, I brainstormed about the theme – 10 seconds. And I came up with this simple, yet fun idea, where you try to catch this train in 10 seconds.

Brainstorm and sketch Catch A Train

The simple sketch I drew, shows the characters who will hold you from catching that train. But in the end I stuck to the idea to push your way through the mass of passengers who just came out of the train.

I only had 48 hours, so I used tools that I was familiar to (A lesson I’ve learned from the 7DRTS). I used the following two tools to build this game:

  • Flex SDK (4.6)
  • Gimp (2.8)
  • Wunderlist (to keep “track” of things :D)

I had some trouble with coding the physics of the game. Definitely something I need practice with. As I’d like to participate in future 48 hour competitions, I will learn some cool new tricks about physics.


If you like my game, please vote and/or comment on the entry page of Catch A Train. While your there, check out the other cool games!

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